Κυριακή 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

European Federal Republic: The time has come!

Over the last years when the European Union has been facing the challenges imposed by the so-called "global financial crisis", it has been made clearer than ever before that something must change in the EU. I could say that it is more obvious than not that there is an extreme necessity to get Europe truly united.

The 20th century has been a very bad one for Europe. A century of wars, genocides, tragedies and distractions. The European Union that we know today has been the previous generation's response to the unprecedented catastrophe caused by the two World Wars which practically started in Europe. The mission of the previous generations has been accomplished and Europe has lived almost seven decades of peace and prosperity.

Recently though, the financial crisis has initiated a process of questioning the European peace miracle. Vast segments of the middle class in European States, especially at the South, enter into poverty creating an ideal ground for the rise of nationalism. A massive return of nationalism would definitely led to the dissolution of the European Union and rather sooner than later to the Third World War. The consequences of this are too severe to let them come to reality.The rise of the neo-nazi movement in Greece, a country which lost almost 10% of its population to help the free people defeating the Nazis, serves as the ultimate example of how wrong things can go if a wrong political and economic model is followed for long time.

The current EU model is based on the concept of intergovernmentalism. Today, in 2013, we Europeans can keep pretending that this so much 20th century intergovernmentalism approach works. The ugly truth however is that it doesn't work at all. A new approach is needed.

We all know it, Europe is old (that actually is one of the few wise words ever said by Donald Rumsfeld). Europe does behaves like an old person. Slow moving and uber-conservative. Young Europeans have completely different dreams for their lives. No, we do not aim to becoming citizens of a huge open-air museum. We envision Europe as a great, united country, as a super-power of justice, equality, democracy and culture. A dominant factor of fairness and stability in the international affairs. A growing economy with financial and ecological sustainability.

This dream, might not be that far away from reality given that young Europeans stand up and talk with loud and clear voice. On the contrary, it is absolutely feasible. Europe does have the financial, human and symbolic capital necessary to make that dream come true. It only lacks the required political will. Actually, those who lack that will are the national governments, more or less frightened in sight of sharing some parts of their authorities and responsibilities and managing them via a supranational, federal structure. The reality is however that the vast majority of Europeans not only is ready to accept this federal approach but rather is about to demand it!

The question to be asked to the youth of Europe is very simple: "Don't you thing that it is about time to turn Europe young again? Don't you think that it is about time to start the process of creating the European Federal Republic?". As far as I am concerned, I do think it is about time to do so and I'll put all of my energy and resources to make this dream come true, remaining confident that thousands of other young Europeans will also do the same.

Uniting Europe is the major challenge of our generation and I'm absolutely confident that we shall positively respond to it. At the end of the day, it is all about making a life worth living. 

Τρίτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

What entrepreneurship is all about? My IVLP experience (so far!)

That email arrived unexpectedly.  It was from the US Embassy in Athens, Greece, asking for a meeting. I didn’t have any cooperation with the Embassy so far thus I got a kind of surprised. The meeting took place few days later and it was a very fruitful one. After a short introduction, I was informed about the State Department’s IVLP program and was asked if I would be interested in considering it. “Of course I’m interested in it”, was my immediate reaction, “but, you know, I’m not allowed to go. I don’t have a passport and I can’t have one because of my pending military service duty”.

I have to admit that  the level of surprise on the faces of the people in front of me, made me for the very first time to think that it might be a good idea to finally tick that box which was pending for almost eight years.

After my positive response, I took care of the required documentation and I was informed that I would receive an answer “in few weeks”. Going back to the office that day I was thinking that even if I was not finally selected, perhaps it would be a good idea to take advantage of the legislation for a 45-days-only military service for those who have turned 35 and, at last, get my passport. At the end, being a serial technology entrepreneur for 13 years and missing a visit to the US is probably equal to a Muslim who has never been in Mecca.

I joined the Greek Army as a Signal Corps soldier on March 21st and my last day in the camp was on May 7th. It is such a peculiar coincidence that while I was driving on my way back from the camp, leaving behind an interesting – very short, thank God – military experience I received the call from the US Embassy saying that “you’ve been selected for the IVLP – A New Beginning Program” and “you will be in the US from September 14th to October 5th”.

Frankly, that day could not get any better!

Right the next day, May 8th, I was at the Passport Issuing Authority in Athens applying for my passport. Got so excited to get it three days later – as well as a little bit proud of the passport issuing system that Virtual Trip had delivered few years ago. Just two weeks later I visited London, UK. It was feeling so great to be able to travel out of the Schengen area again!

Time flies much faster that we tend to believe.  September arrived so quickly. I had made the decision to go to the US one week earlier, speaking to the CloudBeat 2013 conference in San Francisco and meeting the tech / innovation community in the SF Bay Area and in Boston. It was just great! I was very excited for finally making it to be there and meeting global leaders in the tech business. Interestingly, I also felt proud of what the startup community has already achieved in Greece and other EU regions, given the huge difference in availability of risk financing  - which in the US is at least 5x more than the EU!

Arriving in Washington DC on Saturday evening September 14th I was ready to meet entrepreneurs from 29 different countries who were also participating to this program. I soon realized that it would be much better than expected! The spectrum of participants is amazingly wide. From France to South Sudan, from Portugal to Burma and Bangladesh, from Greece to Argentina and Thailand as well as from Hungary to Cambodia and Kenya, it is just an amazing mixture of cultures, nations, experiences and lifestyles!

It does get even better though! Not only there’s a hugely wide spectrum of cultures and origins but participating entrepreneurs greatly differ on scale, stage, sector, industry, maturity and a number of other aspects. They are, or probably the look, so very much different!

After two weeks of living, working and traveling with those amazing people, a very surprising feeling has come to the surface. They are all so different. We are all so different. Despite those differences however, either being a successful female serial entrepreneur and investor in France or an early-stage male start-up entrepreneur in Paraguay, you still face the same challenges at business, personal and family level. The challenges are similar simply because they have to do primarily with people and, yes you got it right, people are the same around the Globe regardless of skin color, religion or culture. People can be passionate but still vulnerable. People can be leaders and followers. People can create, but can also destroy. People are sometimes brave, some other times cowards. People are just people.

To be an entrepreneur is to be creative in a financially sustainable model working with other people. You can’t be an entrepreneur working alone. It is your co-founders, your employees, your customers, your investors, your suppliers. It is also your spouse, your partner, your siblings, your kids, your friends. It is all about people. It is all about managing relationships, communication and expectations with the human beings around us that actually define an entrepreneur.

This thought has been strong enough to absorb me for a while. I thought I had got it and that I should focus my energy to managing relations with the people around me. Suddenly, during the “forum” session organized by the Entrepreneurs’ Organization chapter in Denver, Colorado, I realized that I was wrong. We like it or not, it is not managing relationships, communication and expectations with the people around us that actually defines an entrepreneur. It is only about managing the relationship with your own self. Managing your own dreams, vision and expectation. It might sound simple but, trust me, is way the hardest part of the entrepreneurial game.

Once you’ve done this, however, then only sky is the limit – Perhaps, not even sky.

Μαζί τον φάγαμε (;)

Δεν πάει καιρός από τότε που ένας από τους κυρίους υπευθύνους της νέας ελληνικής τραγωδίας με περίσσεια θράσους και αλαζονείας μας πληροφόρησε ότι "μαζί τα φάγαμε". Μας είπε λίγο ως πολύ ότι όση ευθύνη έχει για την κατάρρευση η ολιγαρχική κάστα που διαχειρίστηκε τις τύχες της χώρας την περίοδο που ονομάστηκε "μεταπολίτευση, άλλη τόση έχει και καθένας από εμάς, από τους - κατ'όνομα και μόνο - πολίτες αυτής της Ελλάδας.

Είναι πραγματικά απίστευτο τι αποδοχή βρήκε η προπαγανδιστική αυτή τελειότητα. Πώς κάθε Έλληνας ξαφνικά μπήκε στη θέση του ενόχου, ενόχου για αδικήματα πολύ μεγαλύτερα από εκείνα που όντως του αναλογούν. Σίγουρα ευθύνεται ο Έλληνας που εκχώρησε τις ευθύνες που απορρέουν από την ιδιότητα του Πολίτη και οικιοθελώς - μάλλον - μεταβλήθηκε σε κρατίτη. Σε ένα άβουλο ον που ικανοποιούταν με τη "σιγουριά του δημοσίου" την ώρα που το τρίγωνο της καταστροφής έκανε το πάρτι του.

Δεν είναι όμως έτσι. Για παράδειγμα, ποιοι ευθύνονται για την Μικρασιατική Καταστροφη; Οι οπλίτες, οι ναύτες και οι -λιγοστοί, τότε- αεροπόροι ή μήπως η στρατιωτική και πολιτική ηγεσία της εποχής; Το ίδιο εύρος και βάθος ευθύνης έχει ο αρχιστράτηγος και το ίδιο ο τελευταίος στρατιώτης; Είναι να απορεί κανείς για το με πόση ευκολία προκαλείται η κοινή λογική.

Οι ευθύνες για την νέα ελληνική τραγωδία έχουν όνομα και επώνυμο. Αρχίζουν πρώτα και κύρια με το "Κωνσταντίνος Σημίτης" και πολύ σύντομα ακολουθεί ο "Θεόδωρος Πάγκαλος" και ο "Γεώργιος Παπανδρέου ο Β'". Φυσικά βέβαια δεν είναι λιγότερες οι ευθύνες και του άλλου μιζοκόμματος, προεξάρχοντος του "Κωνσταντίνου Καραμανλή του Β'" και φυσικά ενός εκ των υπουργών του, του "Αντώνη Σαμαρά".

Παράλληλα με τον παραλογισμό του "μαζί τα φάγαμε", γίναμε μάρτυρες ενός ακόμα παραλογισμού, πολύ μεγαλύτερου και πολύ πιο επικίνδυνου. Κάποιοι επέλεξαν να παίξουν με τα πιο επικίνδυνα ένστικτα των ανθρώπων που βρίσκονται σε απόγνωση. Άρχισαν υπόγεια να χρηματοδοτούν και να προβάλλουν τις Καρικατούρες του Θανάτου. Τις είδαμε στα μεγάλα τηλεοπτικά κανάλια και στις κορυφαίες εφημερίες. Είδαμε τις αγιογραφίες τους. Πήγαν να μας πουν ότι οι Καρικατούρες του Θανάτου δεν είναι "και τόσο κακές τελικά". Εξάλλου, "η Ελλάδα δεν χωράει άλλους μετανάστες".

Μετά από χρόνια, όταν αποκαλυφθεί η χρηματοδότηση και το σχέδιο προβολής της Καρικατούρας του Θανάτου θα μείνουν πολλοί άναυδοι.

Ήταν φυσικά θέμα χρόνου να συμβεί το μοιραίο. Μια από τις Καρικατούρες του Θανάτου έκοψε σκληρά και άδικα το νήμα της ζωής ενός συμπολίτη μας. Ξαφνικά, όλοι έμαθαν τις συμβαίνει. Όλα τα κανάλια, οι εφημερίδες, το "πολιτικό" προσωπικό, είδαν το "αληθινό πρόσωπο του φασισμού" και κάνουν ότι περνάει από το χέρι τους να μας προστατέψουν.

Είναι μια πραγματικά πολύ βολική κατάσταση για τα μιζοκόμματα. Το τέρας ξύπνησε και κόβει βόλτες στην πόλη. Θα έρθουν τα μιζοκόμματα καβάλα στο άσπρο άλογο, θα εξοντώσουν το τέρας και θα σώσουν την Ελλάδα. Σε λίγο θα πρέπει να ζητήσουμε και συγγνώμη στα μιζοκόμματα που τα κακολογήσαμε και να τα ευχαριστήσουμε για την αυτοθυσία τους.

Να προσπαθήσουμε λοιπόν να βάλουμε τα πράγματα στη θέση τους: Οι Καρικατούρες του Θανάτου δεν είναι τίποτα άλλο παρά οργάνωση εγκληματιών του κοινού ποινικού δικαίου. Δεν χρειάζεται να γίνει τίποτα άλλο με δαύτους παρά να εφαρμοστεί ο νόμος - θα φάνε όλοι τους αρκετά χρόνια φυλακή. Περιέργως όμως εδώ και καιρό ο νόμος δεν εφαρμόζεται και τώρα προβάλεται ως κορυφαία των επιτυχιών η απλή, αυτονόητη εφαρμογή του.

Ταυτόχρονα όμως, στέλνοντας τις Καρικατούρες του Θανάτου στη φυσική τους θέση, δεν πρέπει να ξεχνάμε σε καμία περίπτωση το ποιοι είναι οι υπεύθυνοι τις κατάρρευσης του νέου ελληνικού κράτους, της δυστυχίας που βιώνει ο λαός μας και των δεινών που θα αντιμετωπίσουμε τα επόμενα χρόνια. Όπως είπαμε παραπάνω, οι υπεύθυνοι έχουν όνομα και επώνυμο όπως και τα μιζοκόμματα έχουν όνομα: "ΠαΣοΚ" και "Νέα Δημοκρατία".

Η Ελλάδα έχει ανάγκη την αλήθεια. Η αλήθεια είναι το όχι στη λήθη. Δεν θα ξεχάσουμε λοιπόν και θα προχωρήσουμε μπροστά με μυαλό καθαρό και αυτοπεποίθηση ισχυρή. Θα ανακτήσουμε την ιδιότητα του Πολίτη, θα δημιουργήσουμε Πόλεις, Πολιτισμό. Το χρωστάμε στους χιλιάδες που έχυσαν το αίμα τους για τη χώρα μας, με τελευταίο από αυτούς τον Παύλο Φύσσα, ο οποίος θα εμπνέει για πάντα κάθε ελεύθερο άνθρωπο.

Ως τη Νίκη, Πάντοτε, Μιχάλη Χαραλαμπίδη

Αγαπημένε Δάσκαλε Μιχάλη Χαραλαμπίδη, Ήταν Ιούνιος του 1996, διάβαζα μαθηματικά για τις πανελλήνιες εξετάσεις της επόμενης μέρας. Στιγμή ιερ...